How to Figure Your Pay Rate
(Step Rate) + (Shift Differential) = Rate Every Weekend Benefited [(Step Rate) + (Shift Differential)] x 1.25 = Rate *This is for weekend shifts only!* *Must use Code 2 in Kronos for Weekend Shifts ONLY* *For other shifts it is the same as regular Benefited* |
Per Diem/Short Hour
(Step Rate + 25%) + (PD/SH Shift Differential) = Rate Every Weekend Short Hour [(Step Rate + 25%) + (PD/SH Shift Differential)] x 1.25 = Rate *This is for weekend shifts only!* *Must use Code 2 in Kronos for Weekend Shifts ONLY* *For other shifts it is the same as regular Per Diem/Short Hour* |
Shift Differentials
Contract Shift Differentials Language 5.5
Regular and Short-hour Nurses assigned to evening shift work shall receive an additional 11.5% of the first year rate of the Staff Nurse II day salary. Those assigned to night shift work shall receive an additional twenty percent (20%) of the first year rate of the Staff Nurse II day salary, except that Casual and Short-hour Nurses assigned to night shift work shall receive an additional twenty percent (20%) of the first year rate of the Staff Nurse II-Casual and Short-hour day salary.
Here would be the formulas based on the first year rate of the Staff Nurse II day salary 2023 as examples
(First year rate of Staff Nurse II) x 11.5% = Evening Differential for benefitted and SH/PD
(First year rate of Staff Nurse II) x 20% = Benefitted Night Rate
(First year rate of Staff Nurse II) + 25% = SH/PD Day Rate
(SH/PD First year rate Staff Nurse II Day rate) + 20% = SH/PD Night Differential
The 2023 rate for Staff Nurse II day rate is $71.10
The evening differential for benefitted and SH/Casual is $71.10 x 11.5% = $8.18
The night differential for benefitted nurses is 71.10 x 20% = $14.22
The night differential for SH/PD nurses is ($71.10 + 25% PD diff)) x 20% = $17.78
(71.10 +25% = 88.88) x 20% = $17.78
Contract Shift Differentials Language 5.5
Regular and Short-hour Nurses assigned to evening shift work shall receive an additional 11.5% of the first year rate of the Staff Nurse II day salary. Those assigned to night shift work shall receive an additional twenty percent (20%) of the first year rate of the Staff Nurse II day salary, except that Casual and Short-hour Nurses assigned to night shift work shall receive an additional twenty percent (20%) of the first year rate of the Staff Nurse II-Casual and Short-hour day salary.
Here would be the formulas based on the first year rate of the Staff Nurse II day salary 2023 as examples
(First year rate of Staff Nurse II) x 11.5% = Evening Differential for benefitted and SH/PD
(First year rate of Staff Nurse II) x 20% = Benefitted Night Rate
(First year rate of Staff Nurse II) + 25% = SH/PD Day Rate
(SH/PD First year rate Staff Nurse II Day rate) + 20% = SH/PD Night Differential
The 2023 rate for Staff Nurse II day rate is $71.10
The evening differential for benefitted and SH/Casual is $71.10 x 11.5% = $8.18
The night differential for benefitted nurses is 71.10 x 20% = $14.22
The night differential for SH/PD nurses is ($71.10 + 25% PD diff)) x 20% = $17.78
(71.10 +25% = 88.88) x 20% = $17.78
Other Differentials
Add the following differentials to your base step if any apply to you to figure your rate!
Any Specialty Certification Diffs (2%), Charge Nurse Diff (9%), Charge with Certification Diff (12%),
Staff Nurse III diff (5%), Certified Staff Nurse III (7%), Certified Staff Nurse IV (12%).
Add the following differentials to your base step if any apply to you to figure your rate!
Any Specialty Certification Diffs (2%), Charge Nurse Diff (9%), Charge with Certification Diff (12%),
Staff Nurse III diff (5%), Certified Staff Nurse III (7%), Certified Staff Nurse IV (12%).
Shift Differentials Last Page
Shift Differentials Last Page
Current Wages 1/3/2024 Below
Shift Differential 7/3/2024
16 Months-$74.34
Eves Benefitted/SH/PD $8.55
Nights Benefitted $14.87
Nights SH/PD $18.59
16 Months-$74.34
Eves Benefitted/SH/PD $8.55
Nights Benefitted $14.87
Nights SH/PD $18.59