Calculating Sen·ior·i·ty
Hire Date-Date a new employee is hired but not necessarily the start date
Years of service With Employer
Employer Seniority
Years of Service with the Union
Union Seniority
Break in Service
Seniority Recognition from Other Unions
Leave of Absence
If an employee has unpaid time while on leave of absence (excluding Military and workers comp) greater than 30 days, the employee’s seniority date is adjusted accordingly.
If an employee has unpaid time while on leave of absence (excluding Military and workers comp) greater than 30 days, the employee’s seniority date is adjusted accordingly.
SH/PD nurse's seniority is determined by eligible hours worked per quarter
0-99.9 hours
No seniority credit All hours carried over to next quarter Adjust seniority date by 90 days earlier |
100-199.9 hours
1 month seniority credit All hours over 100 carried over to next quarter Adjust seniority date by 60 days earlier |
200-299.9 hours
2 month seniority credit All hours over 200 carried over to next quarter Adjust seniority date by 30 days earlier |
300+ hours
3 month seniority credit No additional hours carried over to next quarter Seniority date not adjusted |
Years of service and seniority can be the same or one could have more years of service but less seniority.
Years of service and seniority are treated differently throughout the contract depending on the benefit.
Vacation weeks are determined by years of service whereas awarding of those weeks on the schedule is based solely on seniority.
Fringe benefit accumulation starts as of the date of change in status from non-benefited to benefited
which can be prorated if part-time.
If previously benefited with no break in service, the nurse retains for fringe benefit accumulations the same date the nurse had when benefited. It is adjusted forward for the length of time in SH status